Episode 95: 4 Ways to Celebrate VBAC Awareness Day on Social Media


Let's celebrate the first annual Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Awareness (VBAC) Day together on July 30th. Our goal is to raise awareness about VBAC, so that every person knows that VBAC is an option for many C-section parents.

Here are four ways to celebrate VBAC Awareness Day on Social Media:

1. Create VBAC content (tag me @nichole_joy__ so that I can share). Examples: Share your story, VBAC facts, VBAC resources (my VBAC Prep Birth Course, local ICAN chapters, VBAC stories, etc), VBAC inspirational quotes and affirmations, VBAC blog posts (or share mine!), podcast episodes.

2. Change your Facebook profile frame. How to: go to your personal facebook profile, click profile photo to edit, click 'add frame,' search "VBAC," then add to your profile. Then, share with a friend. Click either frame below to use:


3. Host a VBAC information workshop, either in-person or virtual.

4. Check out my VBAC Warrior sweatshirt or mugs in my Etsy shop. Either take a selfie in one, or purchase one as a giveaway for your community.


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