Episode 194. Year-End Business Cleanup: Guide to Creating Space for Your New Year Desires


My friend, you’re in for a treat.

Closing out the year isn't just about physical or digital decluttering; it's also about cleaning out the energetic residue that has built up over the past months or even years. Just as our homes or digital spaces accumulate clutter, our businesses and lives accumulate energetic clutter.

Imagine your business as a room. Over time, various individuals have stepped into this room, leaving behind their energy, beliefs, and footprints. Some of these energies might not align with your vision or goals. As you close out one year and step into the next, it's essential to clear out this energy to create space for what aligns with your intentions for the coming year.

To help you with your business energetic cleanse, I’ve included a guided meditation with a specific energy healing modality, Expansion Principle. 

You’ll also hear a bit about my own decluttering process, bringing back episodes from 2021, and adding a new layer, where we’ll dive deep into cleaning the energetic business space. Because here’s the thing - sometimes the energetic footprints of past clients, collaborators, or mentors linger and can impact the current state and future trajectory of your business.

The goal of this energy cleanse is to ensure that your business's energetic container is aligned with your vision, goals, and intentions for the upcoming year. Just as one might declutter their home or digital space, it's crucial to declutter your business energetically.

Then going forward, you’ll learn how to be discerning about who and what you allow into your business's energetic space. Just as you wouldn't let anyone touch your hair or work on your body without consideration, you shouldn't let anyone or anything into your business without careful discernment. By doing so, you ensure that your business remains squeaky clean and aligned with YOU.

This episode is divided into three parts:

  1. Physical Cleanup: grab a pen and get to work! You’ll learn how decluttering physical spaces like closets, kitchen cabinets, workspaces, & car interiors can impact your life.

  2. Digital Cleanup: Moving to the digital realm, the focus shifts to tidying up email inboxes, organizing digital folders, decluttering phone apps, and being intentional about content consumption on social media. Oh, and we’ll be unsubscribing from unnecessary newsletters, categorizing emails, and adjusting notification settings.

  3. Energetic Cleanup: The final segment dives into an energetic healing process. Using a guided meditation, you’ll be guided through visualizing your business space, identifying and removing lingering energetic footprints from past interactions or influences. This process aims to create a more aligned and vibrant business environment for the upcoming year.

To wrap up: cleaning out old, stagnant energies, whether physical, digital, or energetic, is essential. Doing so creates space for new opportunities, clearer intentions, and a more focused path forward in the new year.

Happy New Year, friends.

Additional links:

Podcasting with Heart (NEW course): https://nicholejoy.kartra.com/page/podcastingwithheart

Podcast Consulting application: https://nicholejoy.hbportal.co/public/64fa005ec70ae50024c65155

Try Honeybook!: https://share.honeybook.com/nichole35768

Birth Worker Retreat: https://mailchi.mp/behervillage/birthworkerretreat

Black Birthworker Scholarship Application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe2Cye69MQ01inIERCVj5AAbPBPvg7In7zisLdpFJqKM0_S_g/viewform?usp=sharing

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Hi. Oh my gosh, it's been a while. I have been, lifeing. Life has been lifeing. I'll share more about the stuff that's going on in my personal life in another episode, uh, for today. While I have the kids entertained for a little while, and I really want to get this to you before year end. I want you to be able to use this tool that I'm gonna share with you on this episode.

Let's talk about unpacking and debriefing and cleaning out. As you approach year end, right? We all have our own process or we are cultivating our own process for how we debrief. The current year, as of the time of this recording, it's December 20th. So I've been in this process as well for myself. And I wanna share with you how [00:01:00] my process has evolved and what I'm adding this year, and then a gift for you.

Think of it as like a holiday gift from me to you. , I was gonna do it in a separate container, and I realized this morning actually in the shower, I get the best ideas in the shower. I realized that this is going to live on the podcast. So let me explain what's to come in this episode. First, I took two episodes that I recorded in 2021 on unpacking your year right, and I had an episode on cleaning out your physical spaces.

And then there's an episode on cleaning out your digital spaces or your virtual spaces. At the time, I wasn't recording in video. So if you're watching this on video, you're going to just see blank screen. You'll have those two edited summarized. Episodes. So you'll start with part one, the physical cleanup, part two, the virtual cleanup, and then you'll come back and I'll be back on video for part three, which goes a little bit deeper into the energetic cleanup for the year.

And part of the reason we [00:02:00] do this is have you heard that saying of you go into a new relationship and you don't wanna bring old baggage into a new relationship. So on an energetic level, what . That's talking about is clearing the old patterns, clearing the old stuff that's been accumulated in that relationship, or in our example that we're gonna talk about today in your business from this last year.

So just like anything else, you're accumulating stuff. And so. It's important to do an energy cleanup, and I use an energy healing modality that I'm a practitioner with. It's called expansion principle, energy healing, and you can use whatever you like.

The transmission that you'll experience in part three of this episode utilizes that particular energy healing modality to help you energetically clean your 2023 to prepare and make space for what's to come in 2024. It's really tricky to create new when your space is full sometimes of stuff that you don't need, some stuff that isn't [00:03:00] yours, some stuff that just needs to be cleaned out.

Um, if you think about another example I was sharing with a client maybe a month ago when we've lived in our homes for . Any amount of time. Let's say you've lived in your home for 10, 15 years. What happens is you start to accumulate stuff, right? You have parties or you have birthdays or gatherings. You have friends over.

People leave things. Uh, your kids come in and outta the house with sports bags and all kinds of stuff. Eventually, there are things that you look around and you are like, who's is this? This doesn't belong to us. I didn't purchase this item. I didn't even bring it in here. And somehow I have cups and kids, extra clothes or towels or things that

Are not ours, that we're just left behind and we've accumulated. And so the example I wanna share with you is at some point your place might feel really full of stuff that you don't really need, that isn't yours, and that isn't helpful for where you want to go. So you create space, literally you're creating space.

You remove the things that you don't need for where you're going to make space and that. [00:04:00] Applies energetically as well Around the holidays, we do this in our playroom. I go in and I remove the things that I know the girls aren't using anymore. My kids aren't using anymore to literally create space for what they're asking for for that holiday or for a birthday, right?

This applies to your business energetically as well. If you've been in business any amount of time. You pick up stuff, you pick up energetic stuff. You pick up others' belief systems. Sometimes if you are working in close contact with a coach or a mentor or other kind of service provider, YOur business may have picked up some of their energy, some of their belief systems, and that's not always a good match for your business and where it's going. So it's very important to have this kind of process where you do an energetic clean out so that it's squeaky clean.

, not only are you clearing out other people's things that have somehow come into your business that perhaps are not aligned. But it's also important to create [00:05:00] space in your business for whatever it is you're looking forward to planning in 2024, right? I know

we get excited, we jump in and we wanna plan for the coming year. What are the things we wanna do? How much money do we wanna make? Who are the clients we wanna help? All of those beautiful things. But if you're not creating space for all of that stuff, it's gonna be really tricky. If your house is full of stuff, it's really tricky to bring in more stuff.

The same applies to your business. So this energy healing, , transmission is going to do exactly that. I'll walk you through it in part three of this podcast episode.

And I can tell you that. From personal experience for probably the last year and a half I've been doing deep energetic cleaning of my own business. I've had to clean out other people's energies that have been. That my business has picked up these footprints over the last several years, and it was , not aligned with where I desire to take my business.

So I've been working very deeply on this for about a year and a half. Now I'm ready to share part of that process with you so that you can apply that [00:06:00] you may have had clients even who have left footprints, energetic footprints in your business. Again, service providers, if you've ever had somebody work with you on creating social media content or if you hired a coach or if you hired somebody to teach you how to do something or even , a va, right? If you've had a VA in the past that perhaps wasn't aligned, their energy still may be lingering. Their energetic footprints may still be lingering in your business, , and it's not necessarily helpful with where you want to go.

So the goal is to clean all of this out so that your. Energetic business container is aligned with you and is squeaky clean. Another example that I wanna share with you when I was putting this uh, podcast outline together is it's kind of that concept also of when you go to get your hair done right, where we are really intentional with who we allow to touch our hair, cut our hair style, our hair, all of those things, A very intimate experience because there's an energetic exchange that occurs when you let somebody work on your hair or when you let somebody do [00:07:00] body work on you.

If you're getting a massage or a facial, or even a mani pedi. We're very specific with who we exchange energy with, and if you haven't been up until now, you might from this point forward be very, um, discerning. That's the word I'm looking for. You'll be very discerning about who you exchange energy with when it comes to your being, your body.

, obviously your personal relationships, but also in your business, right? So when you hire somebody to, for example, teach you how to podcast, just because somebody has, let's say, the cheapest course out on the market, might not mean that that's the correct and most aligned company to exchange or individual to exchange energy with on that level.

Then of course there's the relationship between you and your business, right? And so the intimacy of the relationship varies from person to person and business to business. I am very intimate and close to my business, but we're not all like that. And there's no right or wrong, it's just that when you.

Have a business that's [00:08:00] very close to you and there's a lot of you in the business. Things that impact you on a personal level impact the business and vice versa. These things don't happen in a vacuum. It's all very closely connected. And so this type of energy healing can help with that as well. Um, because while we are in this particular episode, we're gonna do it on the business, we're gonna focus on the business clearing out for the year that we're wrapping up.

It applies to you on a personal level as well. Okay. So without further ado, here's part one and then we'll jump right into part two. So it'll be physical, digital, and then I'll come back and do part three with you.

I'm practical and intentional with my time during December as a business owner, as a mother of three and realizing how quickly this time is going by with my kids. So normally December is a time when I slow down to do some planning. And it wasn't always like this, you know, it's taken a couple of years of figuring this out.

Like, Hey, wait a minute. This is actually a good time for me to [00:09:00] slow down a little and think intentionally. And when we move into the next year to move with the tension, not to just show up on January 1st, like, okay, so what are we doing now? You know? So there is some balance for me of planning. And bringing up that masculine energy side of my business and creating a plan, even if I know that it's going to be a loose plan.

And that if I feel some feminine energy, divine inspiration to make a change, I will make a change. So I plan. And before I do that, I unpack and debrief this year. So this is a good time to start debriefing and unpacking how this year has gone. Cleaning out the old stuff, if you think of it another way. So before you start planning for 2022, the next couple episodes, this series on the podcast [00:10:00] is going to guide you through just some cleaning out, because it's really tricky to create new, to bring in something new that we desire.

When there's something old and stagnant that's lingering, you know? So cleaning out things. Shifts the energy and create space for the things that we desire. Example, have you ever tried to work or be productive at a cluttered desk? It's possible, but it's like, it's like walking through mud, like knee deep in mud.

I invite you to join me in a massive clean out, cleaning out the old gunk, icky, sticky stuff. We're starting with the physical stuff. We're going to clean out your physical spaces [00:11:00] and it doesn't have to be Marie Kondo level. I am on board for this general clean out to clear space. For what you desire to bring in, let's walk through a couple of spaces that physically this is going to be my homework for you five physical spaces that you can get through this week.

You can do it with your kids nearby. If you're like, Oh, I don't have time and bring your kids along with you. The first one is your closets. Go through your closet. Go through your partner's closet. Go through your kids closets. and backups and things to get rid of. Clean it out. Donate it. Clothing donations truly change people's lives.

I was a child who received donations from my first grade teacher. She had a daughter who was a little bit older than me, and they used to clean out her closet so often and send me stuff. And I was just thinking about this the other day, how I remember so vividly being like, maybe 11 or 12, and she was still sending me [00:12:00] bags of donated clothes.

And her daughter was in college and would still send home clothes for me. And she gave me this baby blue satin pajama set. It was satin shorts and a tank top. And I was like, Oh my God, this is the best thing I've ever experienced in pajamas. Anyway, for years, they would send donations to us and it was a huge thing.

And then we, when we were done with it, we would donate it to one of the families next door who had a daughter younger than me. So. Yeah, that was a little bit of a risk, but it makes a difference. Number two, look around your home at things that you can donate. Example, Halloween decorations just all came down and I still got rid of a handful of Halloween decorations.

Big kitchen pieces, maybe, you know, go into your kitchen and look through the cabinets. Are there pieces that you just don't use that somebody else might be able to enjoy? Number three, your workspace. [00:13:00] Okay, if you have an office. If you have a desk in your bedroom, go to that workspace, wherever it is that you do your work, clean it out, shred old papers that need to be shredded, go through that stack of mail that's sitting in the corner drawer, start to organize.

It's a good time actually while you're doing this, to start to compile your receipts as you find them. Clean out your workspace if you want to have clarity in your business going into the new year. I cannot say it enough that cleaning your workspace just a little bit is wildly helpful. Okay, number four, drawers.

So go into your kitchen, that old junk drawer. We have to clean our junk drawer like every couple months because somehow things just start to pile up in it and it makes me wild. And then number fives, the last one for this list for physical [00:14:00] stuff is if you are a parent, you need to hear this. Clean out your car, clean out your car, the old water bottles, the goldfish, the crackers, the bags of stuff.

And so as I'm saying this, I'm going to be doing it to clean out your physical spaces. I know it sounds simple, but that's the whole work for this week. It does impact your business. We'll start there. And then I'll guide you through a couple other spaces that we can clean out together. And I encourage you to share with me what you're cleaning out.

So how to do that is take pictures, take videos, boomerangs, whatever it is, or just type it up. What are you cleaning out? What are you donating? Share it to your Instagram, tag me at Nicole Joy and let's start cleaning out this crop so that we can get ready for next year.

Let's pick up right where we left off last week. This week, I want to talk about digital spaces, [00:15:00] where can you tidy up your digital spaces? And I have a few examples that I want to share with you, things that I've been doing for myself lately that are incredibly helpful challenge to you is to go through as many of these as you can.

Number one, your inbox. Yes. You with thousands. Of unread emails, go to your inbox, delete things that you don't need, delete all the junk, empty the trash while you're at it. And then if you have time bonus points for unsubscribing to newsletters that you really don't need and categorizing your emails, create folders in your inbox.

For example, I have a folder for the podcast. I have a folder for my private clients. So go in and try to categorize accordingly so that those conversations are easier to find later. And when you unsubscribe, my only request is that you don't unsubscribe from me, joking. I mean, I [00:16:00] hope I make the cut, but I get it if I don't.

Number two, your digital folders. If you don't have them, it's time to start creating. So depending on where you're at in business, if you're brand, brand new in business, try to start some type of. Organization system in your computer, if you use Google drive, create different folders for different things to save your documents in your drive.

I highly recommend getting in front of this before you wake up 1 day and you've had 2, 3, 4 years of work building under your business belt and digital files accumulating. In one random folder, it's going to be really tricky to find things and you'll forget what you have to start with some kind of organization or naming convention for your files.

I have mostly been on top of this, but there were a lot of things that slipped through the cracks because I've been, I've really been moving in such a fast paced mode for the last few years that a lot of things got lost in the shuffle. So come October when I was looking for [00:17:00] something actually in my.

Folders. And I found so many old trainings that were really good. Still, they were just kind of lost in a folder. There was no organization. So I went through and categorize some of it and spend a little bit of time doing that, but I was like, Oh my gosh, this stuff is gold. This really solid educational, helpful workshop material.

It's just random free workshops that I taught over the last few years. Number three, take out your phone, go through the apps, delete old apps that you're not using. You can always download them again later if you need them, but if it's something you haven't used in quite a while, delete it or Marie Kondo in your digital life.

Okay. That's basically what we're doing here. If you haven't used it in six months, I don't know exactly what her method is, but it doesn't bring you joy and then adjust your notifications while you're in there. So I don't get notified for certain messages anymore because it's just distracting to life and it's not necessary.

I guess this kind of tiptoes on the conversation of boundaries. And so I think as a business owner, we think that we [00:18:00] have to be notified all. And yeah, if you're a birth doula in your own call this part. Is more complicated and nuanced, right? Adjust your notifications while you're in there so that you're not getting dinged constantly by things that are distracting you from whatever it is you're trying to do, whether that's working or being present with your family or whatever it is.

Number 4, unsubscribe from any paid subscriptions you're not using. Okay, so I had a friend that recently shared that she went into her, I think it was the app. That tracks all of your apps, you know what I mean? The apple thing. And she went in and realized there was like 50 worth of monthly subscriptions that she just wasn't using these things.

And she unsubscribed from all of them and turned off the subscriptions, right? You might not have any of those, but just kind of thumb through and see, and now. I don't mean things that you're not using today or this week because you're just really, really busy, right? Like audible audible is one of those things that I pay 1495 for.

And sometimes I rack up so many credits and I could easily unsubscribe and [00:19:00] be like, I'm not using it. But the truth is I see the value that's waiting there for me. And I will come back to it as soon as I free up some capacity in another space of my life. So I'm not saying unsubscribe from everything.

Number five, social media. This is specifically related to who you follow. On Instagram and or Facebook, if you use it, many of us, myself included, I hardly ever go through and look at everybody. I'm following number six, clean out the content you're consuming F necessary Institute number seven, which is unfollow.

So if, for example, body positivity is something that you're really working on, which for years I was, and yet you're following folks that are doing things like promising, you'll lose 20 pounds in 20 days. If you just tighten the shit out of your waist with this waist trainer, that makes you feel like your ribs are collapsing into your body and you cannot breathe for the love of God, please unfollow them because they're not aligned with where you're going.

And if that account makes [00:20:00] you feel like shit. Unfollow them. I mean, it feels like that's common sense. I know you, I know you know that, but it's like, I found myself doing it. I was like, why am I following this person? I had, I don't feel better when I look at their stuff. You know what I mean? As part of that, it's being really intentional with the content that you consume.

I'm going to actually go a little bit deeper into that. In a separate episode, but for now, just start to scan and notice what you're engaging with and notice what you're following on social media. And then like number seven, like I said, was unfollow, unfollow on Facebook, unfollow on Instagram, number eight related, leave the groups that you're not.

Vibing with in that way anymore. I went into Facebook, which I don't scroll a ton, but I went into Facebook and realized how many groups I was in because over the years I just joined a bunch of groups. You know, business groups and birth professional groups, mommy groups, pregnant groups, all these groups.

A lot for research and then some for connecting and some for contributing and all of the things. [00:21:00] And now I'm starting to do the same thing. I'm like, goodness, I'm in a lot of groups and it's a cluster, FECK, so I am going through. And assessing, okay, what group is this? Why did I join it? Am I still getting what I need from it?

Or am I, is this complete? Is this relationship complete? And I'm finding myself leaving tons of Facebook groups. Again, I sure hope that dualist going digital makes the cut. The final one is going to require you to bring out your phone again, and we're going to be deleting. So delete old contacts. So people that.

If you haven't talked to them in a long time, you don't even know who the person is that's in your phone and you don't have notes in it. Like sometimes I'll put the, if it's a parent of a kid that my kid went to school with or something, I'll put the kid's name in the notes. If I don't know who these records are, I'm just deleting them.

If I haven't talked to them in six months or a year and I don't recognize their name, I don't know. I don't remember who they are. Delete old contacts, contacts. And then in your, this is a hard one for parents in the pictures and videos. [00:22:00] You, I just need to tell you, okay, you don't need 11 of the same photo where you kept all of the outtakes.

Now there's some outtakes that I keep right, but I've noticed that I had like 11 of every single shot and it was becoming a little bit. Overwhelming because I had, I have literally probably 16, 000 plus pictures, videos, whatever. And then this comes from eight years of parenting and, you know, three pregnancies and all the things prior to having kids.

I hardly ever use the photo app on my phone, but now it's loaded. And I want to keep the important stuff, but I don't need 11 of the same exact photo, but one has like a hint of a smile. The next one has like the sideways smile. The next one has no smile. The next one has them picking their nose, like pick the ones that you want to keep, but you don't need all of them.

Okay. I hope this was helpful as part two of our end of year wrap up [00:23:00] clean out. Let me know how it's going. Tag me on socials. I can't wait to hear from you and have a beautiful week, my friends.

Now for this section of the energetic clean out for the year that we're wrapping up, there's a few things that I want you to know before we get started. One, I do this kind of work on a private basis. So if this is something that you want to do privately and custom according to you, your business, your motherhood experience, and with your children, uh, talk to me, reach out to me.

Let's schedule a 30 minute console and let's talk about what your needs are and see how I can best help. But yes, in case I haven't said it before, I do this in a private way as well. So. Send me an email, send me an Instagram DM. And let's chat. Okay. The second thing to know is this is a guided healing meditation.

So I don't want you to do this while you're driving. I don't want you to do this while you're operating machinery. Ideally you'll be in a quiet setting where you won't be disturbed. And the final thing I want you to know before we get started is that this is not one of those meditations that you're going to come back to and revisit over and over again.

I have some of those that are on the podcast. [00:24:00] I have some of my website. If you are a paid member of any of my courses, there's. There's great meditations that are healing and you can use them for an energy healing transmission at any time. This is not that. This is one of those things that you're going to do once a year, ideally in December or at the beginning of January to wrap up the prior year as you move into the new year.

So without further ado.

when you're ready, just get into a comfortable position.

Begin to slow your breathing. You can close your eyes if you like.

You can lay down if it's more comfortable for you, or you can sit up straight.

Just become aware of your breath. And when you're ready, in your mind's eye, you may become aware of a golden light up above the top of your head. [00:25:00] And we're going to start with a gentle healing transmission through your system, and then we'll move into your business.

This golden light is up above the top of your head, and

it's moving down over the length of your face and your neck and the back of your head, down over your chest, the back of your shoulders,

down into your torso, over the length of your arms. We're going to move the light down through your pelvic area,

over the top of your thighs, your upper legs, down over your knees, the bottom half of your legs, [00:26:00] through your feet and into the earth,

and you may begin to become aware in your mind's eye of your business.

If you don't see anything, try to create a visual of what your business would look like if you were imagining it. Tune into the container of your business. Is there a sign on the wall? Is there a sign on the door? Is there a door? Is it a virtual space? Is it a house? Is it a building?

Is it an amusement park? Is it in a home? An office? What is the vibe? What does it feel like?[00:27:00]

Are there people inside? Are there clients? Is there an audience? What do they feel like?

If your business is newer, it might feel different. If it's more established, it might feel different. There's no right or wrong. It's just where you're at in this season.

As you look around, you may notice that things have accumulated. There's footprints, energetic footprints, all around the business that aren't yours. They don't look like your feet. They don't feel like your frequency. And they're distracting.[00:28:00]

You may even see items lingering that people have left behind. Visitors to your business. Clients, service providers, coaches, mentors, friends who have come in and who have come in and given advice. Anybody who's engaged with and interacted in your business may have left some residual energies and energetic footprints here.

And to prepare for the new year and beyond, we're going to do some housekeeping. Energetically. You've already done some physical clean up, you've already done some digital clean up. Now let's go into the energy.

So also in your mind's eye, inside of your [00:29:00] business container, you might become aware of a calendar. You may have a digital calendar on a, on a computer or a laptop in your office. You may have a desk calendar that flips through each month. You may have a calendar on the wall. Wherever it is, it's fine.

Just become aware of your calendar for the year.

In this particular transmission, I'm going to take EP Energy Healing and run it through each month, looking back over the prior year that you're wrapping up. So let's flip all the way back to January.

Energy healing through the month of January. Mine's eye. This might look like a sweeping of the calendar, vacuuming, mopping, getting those footprints out of January. Flip the [00:30:00] page, click forward February.

I'm sending the healing to clear and shift and remove the energies.

that are not helpful or not needed for where you're going.

Flip forward digitally or with the pages into March. Allow the energy, become aware of the energy healing and clearing and removing the energetic footprints of March.



will heal anything that was accumulated in May. June will[00:31:00]

flip forward into July, continuing to clear the footprints. You may begin to notice as we're over halfway through the calendar that the space you're in is looking lighter, more spacious, cleaner, more vibrant, and it feels like you. August.

Residual energies from August, September,

healing, clearing, removing debris,


cleaning the footprints, clearing the energies, November,[00:32:00]

moving to December.

This feels like the final sweep,

the final mop strokes, as the energy moves through December.

And now inside of your business container, when you look around, it feels vibrant, it feels spacious, it feels clean, it feels like you just hired a deep cleaning service for move in, move out from your old apartments.

It feels like more of you can be expressed through your business container now because there's space. You're creating space for Clients who are truly a match for you to feel you because it's not clouded with others [00:33:00] energies

will be a more clean connection, a more aligned attraction and magnet people will may be able to see you more people may be able to hear you better and feel you on a deeper level because it's clean and You may start to become aware of exciting things that were sitting laying in the back of your business closet that you forgot about because now you've cleaned and you remember that they're there and you're bringing new life to them.

You're wearing those old business outfits that you couldn't see because they were hidden behind all these clothes that you don't wear anymore. You're clearing all this stuff out so that you are making space for whatever you call in the coming year. Whoever comes in to work with you and allowing more of you to be expressed [00:34:00] through your business

feels fresh, feels bright, spacious.

Take a deep breath.

And when you're ready, you can open your eyes.

You may have noticed. During the meditation that your business may have communicated with you, there's something that may have stood out that you realize was an important lesson. You realize somebody in particular that was in your life or in your business impacting your business last year

that was ready to move and ready to shift and ready to be released. So I encourage you at this moment to take notes and write down anything you experienced, anything that you want to bookmark and revisit later. I would really love it. If you'd share it with me, you don't have to [00:35:00] share it publicly if you don't want, but you can always send me a private DM.

You can always send me an email. I'd love to hear how this lands for you. And again, if you'd like to talk more about what this looks like on an ongoing basis and in a private container, reach out to me and let's chat.