Episode 190. Marketing Strategies for Non-Social Media Lovers


In this episode, you’ll hear what I told my client (about marketing) who can’t stand social media.

First, it’s important to know that enjoying and being good at social media is NOT a requirement for successful online marketing.

If social media isn’t your thing, you’ll still learn more about alternative ways to market your business online, so that people can continue to ‘feel you,’ even when you’re not physically present. Your in-person networking efforts are incredible, AND can be limiting if not followed up by some kind of virtual presence. 

Remember, we are building for sustainability. And you can’t possibly go to every single networking event in your town, forever and ever amen. Amen?

Here’s the thing, marketing isn’t going away. My advice: find a way that you can get behind. A way that works for you. 

Not to fret, I won’t leave you hanging. You’ll learn three alternative methods of marketing your business OUTSIDE of social media.

And then, you may decide to use social media simply for a broadcast portal. A FREE broadcast portal.

Inside, I’ll cover:

  • Podcasting as a valuable online presence strategy that is distinct from social media. Then, I’ll explain how podcast content can be repurposed for social media to spread the word.

  • Blogging as another viable alternative to social media. I actually recommend traditional blogging as a powerful way to share your message.

  • Side note: I encourage turning podcast episodes into blog posts and vice versa, when possible.

  • In-Person Networking Events, particularly when boosted by an online presence alongside in-person efforts.

  • Energetic Connection. I discuss the strength of energetic connections, ranking them as follows:

    • In-person interactions

    • Video content

    • Audio content

    • Written content

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So I have this client right now who hates social media. She like really doesn't enjoy social media. And we're having these conversations about building a sustainable business and marketing. And the thing about it is,  you don't have to enjoy social media.

You don't have to be good at social media. You don't have to be constantly posting and creating content for social media in order to connect with and potentially meet your ideal clients through the internet, through social media. That doesn't have to be the only outlet. There are a lot of other very effective ways of getting your message out.

Of marketing and of meeting your ideal clients, because ultimately the thing is you really do need to be marketing and I, and I hesitate because I hate saying anything in absolutes. But I feel like as much as I believe in manifestation and things lining up perfectly and everything happening exactly as it should, and in its correct timing, I also believe in getting up and getting out there and moving things forward. I think it was Carrie Washington one time that said if your bus is leaving and you're running late to catch the bus, you gotta run to get on the bus.

You gotta run to catch the bus and . I'm not suggesting that you run and push hard to market and do social media, but if creating a sustainable business is important to you, then it is important to have some way for potential clients of the world or of your local area if you have a local service base or product, whatever based business, to be able to connect with you and feel you even when you're not physically present, right?

Because you can go to all the in-person networking events. That exist in your town, but after that event is over, how are those people going to continue to connect with you and potentially  hire you at some point down the road if you don't have some kind of channel or something moving online where they can feel you when you're not present?

Not to mention the folks that don't make it to every in-person networking meeting.

So I'm gonna tell you what I told her. There are other ways that you can build sustainability, that you can have an online presence without being active on social media. One of which is a podcast. Podcast is Not Social Media Podcast is a broadcast, a play on demand broadcast of getting your message out through audio form or video, and then you can put it on YouTube and it becomes a video cast.

Now, if you want to just use social media as , A place where you spread the word about your podcast, that is something that you can easily do. And what that looks like is you can create pillar content on your podcast, whether it's weekly, twice a month, monthly, three, four times a week, like I've done this past week.

Whatever feels correct for you. When you have an important message that you wanna get out, you can create a deep . Episode where you are going deep with your community about a given topic, and then you take that pillar content and you pull small pieces out of it to create micro content for social media.

And in my business and many other podcasters, what that looks like is quotes or Instagram reels  or it could be as simple as an announcement on your personal Facebook page saying there's a new podcast episode out, 

And a link to where they can listen to the show.

Another way that you can do that if you're not so much into talking is blogging. You can go back to old fashioned blogging, which is super powerful, particularly if it's coming from you and not. That's completely something out of chat G P T.

Many of my episodes could very easily be turned into blog posts and vice versa, . And create a similar message just in a different format. And then again, you can utilize social media just to let people know that there's a blog post out. Hey, I wrote a piece. Here's a link if you wanna read it.

And then the third thing that I am gonna mention is in person, right? So in-person networking events  is another way that you can market yourself, market your services, and connect with potential clients.

Knowing that even when you do that, like I said in the beginning, it's still helpful to have something online that people can continue to connect with you and feel you even after that in-person meeting. and the last thing I wanna say to wrap up this quickie episode is , in terms of energetic connection, the most potent energetic connection is going to be in person, right?

And we also need to keep in mind sustainability. Is it realistic for your lifestyle and or the season of life that you're in right now? The next best. Potency for energetic connection is video online. So video casting, if you watch my YouTube channel or you watch these on video on my website, for example, that's a stronger energetic connection than the next one, which is just audio, right?

So the podcast on audio or an audio book is still stronger than, or maybe even close and equal to written word, right? So the blog posts as beautiful as they can be. Some of them really land, and you can . Feel somebody by what they're writing, but a lot of times that tends to be on the lower end of the energetic connection.

I still recommend it. I still think it's a fantastic way to connect with and meet potential clients online. But in terms of energetic connection, that's my ranking.

And so to wrap this up, you don't have to be good at social media. You don't have to like social media. There's lots of other ways that you can and should market online.

You could simply use social media as a way to just let people know as an announcement portal, a free announcement portal at that. It has literally never been easier to market your business for free than it is in 2023.